For two IT companies, Comsoft and ETTU, Starlive hosted a networking event. The theme of this day was’ ‘Best of Sharing in ICT’. The meeting took place in the colorful Institute ”Beeld en Geluid”. Chazia Mourali led the program. The plenary session in the theater started with a specially crafted Polygon-journal, on developments in the ICT field. Then Peter took care of Microsoft and trend watcher Haas Adjiedj Bakas two inspiring lectures. During the afternoon a few shared customers Comsoft and ETTU their best practices with the audience. In the atrium of ”Beeld en Geluid’’ was a fair, where partners were able to present themselves. The afternoon ended with an interactive quiz by Chazia Mourali: ” the strongest link ”. The guests could take part in the quiz via their mobile phone. The final answers and results were then displayed on the video screen. And made interactively with a hilarious improvisation cabaret and musical closure!